Apply for a Fellowship

Apply for a Fellowship

2025 Application Instructions

The application is completed and submitted through this online portal.  If you require technical assistance in using the online portal/completing your application, please use the Chat function within the application portal.

We recommend that you create an account and enter the names and e-mail addresses of your three references and mentor as early as possible.  Doing so will trigger e-mails from the application portal to your references and mentor; those emails will include a link through which your references and mentor submit their letters on your behalf. 

More information about qualified persons to serve as references is provided below.

All application materials, including letters from your three references and mentor, are due November 7, 2024, by 3 pm PST. 

The Foundation will not accept applications received after the November 7, 2024, deadline nor consider e-mailed or mailed applications.

Three Letters of Reference

The Foundation requires three letters of reference from qualified individuals best able to assess the candidate’s potential to conduct meaningful research. M.D. candidates should include a letter from their Residency Chief or Fellowship Director. For candidates with a Ph.D. degree, one of the three references must be the doctoral thesis advisor.

The quality and depth of these letters are critical to evaluating the candidate’s suitability for the fellowship program.  References must submit letters on their institution’s letterhead.

The candidate’s prospective mentor may not serve as one of the three references.

Mentor’s Letter of Support (maximum of four pages)

The mentor’s letter of support should provide a detailed, personalized appraisal of the candidate’s qualifications and proposed research.  The letter should outline the specific mentorship plan to help the candidate further develop his/her scientific career and promote his/her independence.  The letter should also include a brief description of the research facilities and equipment available to the candidate.

Research Application

The application further requires that candidates upload a single PDF that contains 6 components.  These 6 components, described in more detail below, are to be presented in the following order and labeled as follows:

  1. Biosketch
  2. Personal Statement
  3. Non-Technical Statement
  4. Significance of Proposed Research
  5. Technical Statement of Proposed Research
  6. Mentor’s Biosketch

The six components of the application should be typed, using standard fonts no smaller than 12-point, and uploaded as a single PDF via the online portal:

  1. The candidate’s biosketch and bibliography of relevant publications
  • Do not include poster presentations or conference abstracts.
  • Do not include copies of published articles.
  1. Personal statement, not to exceed one page

Briefly describe why your experience and qualifications make you particularly well suited for the fellowship. Describe your mentor’s contribution and your level of independence on the project. Finally, state how the fellowship will assist in your future career path.

  1. Non-technical statement for non-scientific audience in 300 words or fewer

State the title of your research project and provide a brief description of the proposed research project that can be understood by the general public.

  1. Significance of proposed research for non-scientific audience, not to exceed one page

Explain the practical application of your research beyond the laboratory and the potential to help advance the translation of basic biomedical sciences into new preventions or treatments for human diseases.

  1. Technical statement of proposed research, not to exceed five single-spaced pages (excluding bibliography)

Outline the research problem, the hypotheses, methodology, expected results and timeline for the research project.

  1. Mentor’s NIH biosketch

In addition, include a list of the following: (1) no more than 15 publications relevant to the candidate’s research (2) current and pending support for the laboratory and (3) former postdoctoral trainees and their current positions.