What is the A. P. Giannini Foundation?

A. P. Giannini, the founder of the Bank of America, established the A. P. Giannini Foundation, in 1945.

The A. P. Giannini Foundation supports postdoctoral medical research fellowships at California’s accredited medical schools and nonprofit organizations engaged in education to improve the quality of life for people with hemophilia.

What is the A. P. Giannini Foundation Fellowship?

The Fellowship Program supports innovative medical research in the basic sciences and applied fields conducted by promising postdoctoral investigators with no more than 0-3 years of postdoctoral research experience.

Research projects should advance the translation of biomedical science into new treatments, preventions and cures for human diseases and contribute to the alleviation of human suffering.

How Many Fellowships Has the Foundation Awarded?

Since 1951, the Foundation has awarded over 700 fellowships to postdoctoral biomedical researchers at California’s accredited medical schools.

The Foundation awards six to eight new fellowships annually on a competitive, peer-review basis. Fellowships can be funded up to a maximum of three years based on satisfactory performance.

What are the Eligibility and Qualification Requirements?

  • Candidates are eligible to apply if they have 0-3 years of postdoctoral research experience at the application deadline of November 5, 2012. They must be United States citizens or permanent alien residents and hold or complete a MD; MD/PhD; PhD or equivalent degree before they activate the fellowship.
  • Candidates should use the fellowship to broaden their postdoctoral research experience and not apply for a fellowship in a laboratory where they have already received extensive postdoctoral research training.
  • Candidates with tenure-track research positions or faculty appointments will not be considered.
  • Candidates must be sponsored by a California accredited medical school and perform their research training under the mentorship of a principal investigator at the sponsoring School of Medicine.
  • Candidates must arrange for their proposed research training with the mentor and medical school sponsor before they apply to the 2013 Fellowship Program. The mentor may supervise a maximum of two A. P. Giannini Foundation fellows in any one year.

What are the Fellowship Stipends?

The current stipend is $43,000 in Year 1, $44,000 in Year 2 and $46,000 in Year 3.

The Foundation reviews the competitiveness of the fellowship stipends each year and will announce the 2013 fellowship stipends after November 15, 2012.

Stipend payments are made directly to the sponsoring institution and can only be used for salaries. First year fellows receive a one-time award of $2,000 to help defray relocation and personal setup expenses. No part of the stipend or award may be used for employee benefits (health insurance), department or institutional overhead.

The Foundation does not limit the amount of additional support candidates may be eligible to receive from their sponsoring institution; however, candidates cannot hold another full fellowship or a federally funded career development award. Candidates must state in the application the source and amount of other income they expect to receive during the fellowship. Other income will not preclude favorable consideration of an application.

Can I accept Another Fellowship or Traineeship?

Fellows may accept another fellowship or traineeship as long as the award does not exceed the A.P. Giannini Foundation stipend each year.

Candidates must state in their application the source and amount of other income they expect to receive during the fellowship. Other income will not preclude favorable consideration of an application.

What Other Grant Conditions apply to the Fellowship?

Candidates awarded a fellowship must comply with the following conditions:

  • Activate the fellowship between April 1 and December 1, 2013
  • Complete at least the first year of the fellowship before accepting another fellowship or traineeship that exceeds the dollar amount of the A. P. Giannini Foundation stipend.
  • Notify the Foundation promptly if they are unable to continue the fellowship. The fellowship cannot be transferred to a different mentor or institution.
  • Devote at least 80% of their time to research. Fellows may include time for study and clinical experience.
  • Submit a brief report at the end of each grant year to the Foundation describing the progress of their research project and fellowship experience.
  • Acknowledge the support of the A. P. Giannini Foundation in published papers resulting from their research and provide the Foundation with a reprint of each publication.

When can I start My Fellowship?

The Fellowship can be activated from April 1 through December 1, 2013.

Where can I obtain a Fellowship Application Form?

Candidates must use the 2013 application form to apply to the 2013 Fellowship Program. The 2013 application form is available here: DOC | PDF

What do I need to Include with My Application?

Candidates should work closely with their prospective mentor-principal investigator and grants officer to prepare the application in advance of the November 5, 2012 deadline.

Completed applications for the 2013 Fellowship Program must be received by the Foundation no later than 2 p.m. (PST) on Monday, November 5, 2012.

Except for the Letters of Reference described below, the Foundation will not accept applications submitted by e-mail or fax nor consider late applications after the due date and time.

Three Letters of Reference

Candidates are responsible to ensure that the Foundation receives all Letters of Reference by the November 5, 2012 deadline.

The Foundation requires three letters of reference from individuals (other than the prospective mentor-principal investigator) who are familiar with the candidate’s work during the past three years.

Referees may include professors, supervisors or collaborators who can comment on the candidate’s scientific background, achievements and ability to contribute to the field of research.

One of the three referees for candidates with a PhD degree must be the doctoral thesis advisor. Candidates with an MD degree should ask for a letter from their Chief Resident or someone equivalent.

If referees prefer, they may send their letters of reference directly to the A.P. Giannini Foundation in a PDF file format at .
Referees may submit their letters at any time before the deadline for receiving the candidate’s application.


The completed application includes one copy of the following documents:

The 2013 Application Form
Candidates must use the 2013 Application Form to apply to the 2013 Fellowship Program.

Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography of Publications
Please do not send copies of published articles, colored photographs or other visuals.

Non-technical Statement (not to exceed 200 words)
A brief title and description of the proposed research for non-scientific audience.

Significance of the Proposed Research (not to exceed one page)
Describe the practical application of the research beyond the laboratory and its potential to advance the translation of basic biomedical sciences into new treatments, preventions and cures for human diseases and contribute to the alleviation of human suffering.

Technical Statement of the Proposed Research (not to exceed five pages, excluding bibliography)
Outline the significance of the research problem, the hypotheses, methodology, expected results, and the dates when the research will begin and be completed.

Curriculum Vita of Principal Investigator (not to exceed two pages)
Include a list of public and private research grants and institutional funding.

Letter of Endorsement from the Prospective Mentor-Principal Investigator
Prospective mentors should comment on the significance of the candidate’s proposed research and research potential. They should state their willingness to accept and supervise the candidate if awarded a fellowship; guarantee adequate laboratory space, equipment and supplies; and reimburse an out-of-state candidate for travel expense to California for an interview.

Where Do I Send My Completed Application?

All applications and reference letters should be sent to:

John and Ken Blum, Administrative Directors
A. P. Giannini Foundation
57 Post Street, Suite 510
San Francisco, CA 94104

What happens After I submit My Application?

The Foundation notifies candidates when their application and reference letters have arrived. The Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Committee reviews and ranks all applications and selects candidates for personal interviews.

When are the Interviews held?

The Scientific Advisory Committee will interview finalists for the 2013 Fellowship Program on Friday, March 8, 2013. The Foundation will notify finalists of the time and place of their interview and will reimburse them for reasonable travel expenses within California.

When will the Foundation announce the 2013 Awards?

The Foundation will notify the finalists of the 2013 awardees by March 15, 2013.

For Further Questions about the 2012 Fellowship Program or Application Procedures, please call or email Ken and John Blum, Administrators, at (415) 981-2966 or


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