Directory – B


Bach-y-Rita, Paul, Ph.D. 1961 UCLA University of Wisconsin,
College of Engineering
Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Back, Stephen, M.D., Ph.D. 1991 UCI Oregon Health Sciences University Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Bailey, Cleta Sue, D.V.M. 1976 UCD University of California,
School of Medicine
Professor, Department of Surgical & Radiological Sciences
Baldwin, Rae Lynn, Ph.D. 1991 UCI Cedars Sinai Medical Center,
Los Angeles
Laboratory Research Director, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Banka, Carol, Ph.D. 1981 UCSD La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine Associate Professor of Vascular Biology & Cancer Biology
Barron, Hal, M.D. 1995 UCSF Genentech, Inc. Senior Director of Cardiopulmonary & Clinical Immunology Research
Bass, Dorsey, M.D. 1989 Stanford Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Batterman, Hollis, M.D. 1993 Stanford Private Practice Infectious Diseases
Bazaral, Michael, M.D. 1969 UCSD U.S. Food & Drug Administration Director, Center for Devices & Radiological Health
Bearer, Elaine, M.D.; Ph.D. 1987 UCSF Brown University,
Brain Sciences Graduate Program
Associate Professor of Biology & Medicine
Beavo, Joe, M.D. 1971 UCD University of Washington,
School of Medicine
Professor, Department of Pharmacology
Becker-Catania, Sara, Ph.D. 2001 UCLA Hines VA Hospital Research Associate, Laboratory of Cellular Neurobiology
Berga, Sarah, M.D. 1984 UCSD University of Pittsburgh,
School of Medicine
Associate Professor, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology
Berlin, Roger, M.D. 1978 Stanford Whitehall-Robbins Healthcare President, Global Scientific Affairs
Berlot, Catherine, M.D., Ph.D. 1991 UCSF Yale University,
School of Medicine
Associate Professor, Department
Bickford, Arthur, M.D. 1959 UCSF Duffy Medical Center Founder & Medical Director
Biglieri, Edward, M.D. 1959 UCSF University of California,
San Francisco,
School of Medicine
Professor of Endrocrinology
Bird, Lynne, M.D. 1991 UCSD University of California,
San Diego,
School of Medicine
Assistant Adjunct Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Blanchard, Scott, Ph.D. 2003 Stanford Cornell University,
School of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Physiology
Blanco, David, Ph.D. 1986 UCLA University of California,
Los Angles,
School of Medicine
Adjunct Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics
Blobel, Carl, M.D.; Ph.D. 1992 UCSF Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Associate Professor, Cellular Biochemistry & Biophysics Program
Blyn, Lawrence, Ph.D. 1995 UCI ISIS Pharmaceuticals Research Scientist
Bocian, Maureen, M.D. 1978 UCLA University of California,
School of Medicine
Professor, Division of Genetics Pediatrics
Boggs, John, M.D. 1991 UCSF Palo Alto Medical Clinic Physician, Internal Medicine
Booth, Beverley, M.D. 1975 UCSF Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Director, Health Services Department of the United Mission to Nepal
Bova, Michael, M.D. 1999 UCLA Elan Pharmaceuticals Staff Scientist, Pharmacology
Bowyer, Allen, M.D. 1967 LLU Carolina Heart Specialists Cardiologist
Branton, Dale, Ph.D. 1981 UCSF University of Minnesota,
School of Medicine
Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience
Bridge, Diane, Ph.D. 1995 UCI Elizabethtown College Assistant Professor of Biology
Brownfield, Mark, Ph.D. 1980 UCSF University of Wisconsin,
School of Veterinary Medicine
Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Biosciences, School of Veterinary Medicine
Bryant, Floyd, Ph.D. 1984 Stanford Johns Hopkins University,
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Buchschacher, Gary, MD, Ph.D. 1998 UCSD University of California,
San Diego,
School of Medicine
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine
Burg, Lawrence, Ph.D. 1986 Stanford Biomerieux, Inc. Scientist
Burke, Rae Lyn, Ph.D. 1979 UCSF Genetrol Acting Vice President, Research and Development
Burshell, Alan, M.D. 1981 Stanford Ochsner Clinic Foundation Section Head, Endocrinology