Fellowship Program Endowment Fund
The A.P. Giannini Foundation acknowledges with gratitude and appreciation the generous support of the following donors to the Postgraduate Research Fellowship Program Endowment Fund:
The Bank of America Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boitano
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boitano
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bowman
Dr. Carol Brosgart & Mr. Joseph Gross
California Bank & Trust Company
Gerald F. Casperson, PhD
The Clausen Family Foundation
Gary A. Clawson, MD, PhD
Andrea Cracchiolo III, MD
Ms. Sally Geier
Mrs. Virginia G. Hammerness
Innovate Foundation
Jeffrey W. Karpen, PhD
Dr. and Mrs. Julius R. Krevans
Edward Kuczmarksi, PhD
Mr. Mike Mantle
Kathleen S. Matthews, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McNabb
Mrs. Anne G. McWilliams
Mr. Keith McWilliams
Mr. Jack L. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Mullane
Jay A. Nadel, PhD
Marilyn Parsons, PhD
Mr. Mark C. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ranzetta
Dr. Hans Reiser
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Riley
Mr. John Ronca, Jr.
The Rose Hills Foundation
Bruce G. Wallace, PhD
California Bank & Trust Company
Gerald F. Casperson, PhD
The Clausen Family Foundation
Gary A. Clawson, MD, PhD
Andrea Cracchiolo III, MD
Ms. Sally Geier
Mrs. Virginia G. Hammerness
Innovate Foundation
Jeffrey W. Karpen, PhD
Dr. and Mrs. Julius R. Krevans
Edward Kuczmarksi, PhD
Mr. Mike Mantle
Kathleen S. Matthews, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McNabb
Mrs. Anne G. McWilliams
Mr. Keith McWilliams
Mr. Jack L. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Mullane
Jay A. Nadel, PhD
Marilyn Parsons, PhD
Mr. Mark C. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ranzetta
Dr. Hans Reiser
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Riley
Mr. John Ronca, Jr.
The Rose Hills Foundation
Bruce G. Wallace, PhD
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Wintroub